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Committed to Applying Quality In Everything We Do!

Giving You the Finest Quality Pavers Through:
- Research
- Development
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
Ensured Superior Customer Satisfaction
Our History and Our Founders
Over 35 years ago, Bill de Deugd and his son Daniel, the founders of TriCircle Pavers, Inc., began manufacturing concrete products, serving the Southwest Florida market. TriCircle is a locally owned and operated paving stone manufacturing company with locations in Fort Myers and Bartow, Florida.
FORMULA FOR SUCCESS - Commitment to the Quality of Our:
- Products
- Service
- Employees
- Community
An important part of TriCircle’s commitment to quality is offering various programs and resources to our customers and employees:
Both ASLA and AIA members benefit from TriCircle's numerous programs on designing their pavement with interlocking concrete paving stones. The programs are given by trained TriCircle Representatives tailored for the Florida market, with CEU credits available. Please contact us for additional information.
A TriCircle Certified Instructor sponsored by the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute conducts training classes and oversees national testing to certify contractors on proper installation methods of concrete paving stones. Installation methods that are unique and proven effective in Florida are presented and discussed in the program.
TriCircle has dedicated personnel, educating the building community to the benefits of TriCircle pavers. Offering training seminars on the installation of concrete pavers and how to maintain them so they can utilize the best pavement available. Sample boards showing our outstanding texture and colors are available to most of the Builders in S.W. Florida We offer several different segmental retaining walls with a range of colors. This includes permeable pavement which enables developers to eliminate detention or retention ponds.
The ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute) and TriCircle offers numerous presentations showing the benefits of using concrete pavers in their planning. These programs show exceptional lifecycle cost, sustainability, water conservation while creating beautiful pavement with the wide selection of TriCircles shapes and colors.
Certification programs for builders/developers, installers and homeowners on our products and services is atop priority. We offer CEU points in numerous topics to the architectural community, certification programs are made available to Installation Contractor's and trained certified Representatives to assist them thru various issues.
Dedicated Builder/Developer Representatives to assist in understanding and meeting their needs are available. Raising the standards for pavingstones throughout our market, and the quality of life in our community.
Bill de Deugd and his son Daniel the founders of TriCircle have built a company that puts the customer’s needs as the number one priority, producing the highest quality products in the market. The market currently includes all of Southern Florida supplied through our Ft. Myers plant and Central Florida supplied through our Bartow Plant.
In order to provide our customers with the quality which they have come to expect, TriCircle continues to invest in State of the Art equipment for manufacturing and quality control processes. TriCircle’s highly automated manufacturing equipment is used worldwide to produce high-quality concrete products.
- Use of outside resources to assist in choosing best materials available to manufacture products.
- Quality control measurements of raw materials just prior to being introduced into mix making sure that product will have same consistency as designed from batch to batch.
- Brick is molded prior to curing, and goes through several more quality control inspections.
- Stones have final inspection prior to packaging, placed on pallet, wrapped securely protecting them from the elements.
- Offers shipping service, and makes sure product placed on job site in secure area accessible for the installer.